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Accufast KT 1.5 Tabletop Tabbing Machine

Legacy model - page is here for informational purposes only

Accufast KT 1.5,tabbing machines,mail tabbers,mail tabbing,tabbers,used tabbers,tabletop tabber,wafer seal machines,mailing tabs,wafer seals

The ACCUFAST KT 1.5 is a feature rich basic tabbing machine. The KT 1.5 lets you use 1" or 1.5" mailing tabs / wafer seals.  It uses plain circular or rectangular tabs either opaque or clear. It tabs pieces up to ¼” in thickness and it rolls the waste up on a take up spool. At speeds of 15,000 per hour or so, it is a stretch to refer to the ACCUFAST KT 1.5 as a basic tabber – there’s a lot of the professional in the KT.  With the addition of the KT-TT Tabber at the end of a KT tabber you can apply an additional tab in the same pass.

For users with an existing Accufast KT, you can have your KT converted to a KT 1.5 by Accufast.  In addition to converting your Accufast KT to a KT 1.5, it will be refurbished with any needed parts to get your Accufast KT 1.5 running like new!  Please call 800-899-4402 for more information and pricing!

Technical Specifications